You will find in this page a short tutorial for running rDock.
It has been divided in 3 steps:
1.- System Definition
2.- Cavity generation
3.- Docking
1.- System Definition
First of all, we need to define the system.
Below these lines you have an example for a DUD system of a typical prm file (See Documentation for more information):
RBT_PARAMETER_FILE_V1.00 TITLE gart_DUD RECEPTOR_FILE gart_rdock.mol2 RECEPTOR_FLEX 3.0 ################################################################## ### CAVITY DEFINITION: REFERENCE LIGAND METHOD ################################################################## SECTION MAPPER SITE_MAPPER RbtLigandSiteMapper REF_MOL RADIUS 6.0 SMALL_SPHERE 1.0 MIN_VOLUME 100 MAX_CAVITIES 1 VOL_INCR 0.0 GRIDSTEP 0.5 END_SECTION ################################# #CAVITY RESTRAINT PENALTY ################################# SECTION CAVITY SCORING_FUNCTION RbtCavityGridSF WEIGHT 1.0 END_SECTION
You will need this generated “prm” file, a receptor structure mol2 file (gart_rdock.mol2
) and a ligand file in the cavity (
) for going to next stage.
The receptor “.mol2″ file must be preparated (protonated, charged, etc.) prior to this stage. The program chosen to do so is up to the user. As a suggestion, we usually work with MOE and/or Maestro.
2.- Cavity Generation
Once the files are ready, a simple command will generate the cavity:
rbcavity -was -d -r <PRMFILE>
With the -d flag a grid “.grd” file is generated. This file can be visualized in a molecular viewer to check the generated cavity.
For example, in pymol (after loading by: pymol <RECEPTOR>.mol2 <LIGAND>.sd <GRID>.grd
), write the following command in the console:
isomesh cavity, <GRID>.grd, 0.99
3.- Docking
Once the cavity is defined and generated, a 50 runs-per-ligand rDock job can be run straightforwardly with the following command:
The “.prm” file, receptor, reference ligand and “.as” cavity file must be in the working directory or pointed by the environmental variable “RBT_HOME”
rbdock -i <INPUT>.sd -o <OUTPUT> -r <PRMFILE> -p dock.prm -n 50